Sunday 23 December 2012

Turkey: Winter - November 2009

Istanbul Aku Datang, a Malay movie released in 2012 must be doing a good job in promoting Istanbul because I know at least four families who went there the same year. All came back totally in love with the city :)

When I came back in year 2009, I was wondering whether any Turkish residing in Istanbul want to exchange home with me for three months.. I actually went to some "Home Exchange" websites! I was THAT crazy-in-love ;p Luckily I recovered.. hehe

One thing I love most (besides the food) is their Light Rail Transport (LRT).. cheap and pretty convenient. You can actually take their normal LRT straight to the Ataturk Airport for TL1.50 (RM3.80) per person. This is probably the cheapest transportation to an international airport in the world!

In Malaysia the airport ERL costs RM35 per person. Mostly I will take a cab and it will cost me RM80-98.. Taxi in Istanbul however is expensive. I took a 25 minutes ride and it costs me TL40 (RM100).

We went during late autumn.. so the weather was sometimes sunny and sometimes grey with rain. Not too cold unless it was windy. I think the best time to visit is during spring. There will be tulips everywhere! I read in a blog that in one of the parks in Istanbul there were so many beautiful tulips that when the author brought her mom-in-law.. the mother-in-law actually cried because it was soooo beautiful! Priceless right?

If you have been following my posts, you know that I like to take flowers pictures during my travel. For this posting I stopped myself from posting any. If not, the pictures will be too many. As it is for Istanbul alone I have uploaded close to five hundred! Which break my blog record.

Enough said. I'll let my photos do the "talking" now. I've uploaded 492 photos for your viewing pleasure. You can access them at my Facebook page Go to the photo albums.
