The point I'm trying to make is for a short-term traveller like me, timing of the visits is everything. It will decide whether I will get great experience or just nice ones.
I know a friend who posted thousands of her beautiful travel photos in her personal facebook account for the viewing pleasure of her friends only. I'm sure my friend is not abnormal, there are millions like her. I'm not abnormal either, I'm sure there are millions like me too who wants to know when is the best time to go by looking at the pictures of fellow travellers.
With that in mind, I've decided to create this blog to share my travel photos with the masses. Hopefully it will help some of you to plan for the perfect timing to take your well deserved holidays. They will be stored in my facebook account. Search for M Kha Sha. I will tag the albums as "public" so feel free to browse through. I will also try to give details - date, place - as much as I can remember them. Some of the pictures are close to 10 years old!
Another reason why I created this blog is so that I can monitor how many countries that I've set foot on and when. Sometimes details can get hazy after a while.
Since the pictures posted will be only those post "digital camera" era, there will be a few cities that I've been to which will not be covered. So I'm listing them now just for my own record: Lake Toba, Hong Kong, Taipei, Beijing, Tehran, Melbourne, Seoul. I don't normally bring my camera during business trips so cities like Jakarta, Manila, Phnom Penh and Bangkok will not be covered either.
This will be an on going project. I will only update this blog whenever I have new travel photos. As such, do subscribe to my M Kha Sha facebook account if you wish to be notified of any new updates.